In Conversation with Lucy Macdougald of Biologi
As Managing Director of one of our favourite skincare brands, Biologi, Lucy is a woman with a vision, drive & passion. We've followed her journey from afar for quite some time & it was an absolute pleasure to get to know her. Join us In Conversation as we chat to Lucy about her day, the story behind Biologi, her work/life balance & what's next for the brand...

We’re so excited to learn more about you, where are you from?
I’m originally from Taupō in New Zealand but currently live in Ballina in the Northern Rivers of NSW. Taupō and New Zealand still holds a place in my heart (and I can’t wait to get back there) but Ballina is home now.
Tell us about what a typical day looks like for you?
Oh, where do I start?! Well, every day is different, but I try to start most days walking our dogs Ruby and Kiwi or doing a pilates session. I usually check what’s going on pretty early in the day, for example, checking emails, the news and social media so by the time I get to the office I sort of know if anything needs to take priority. Then we have a morning meeting with the Biologi team to get everyone set for the day and aligned on tasks. From there it really just depends on what’s happening at that particular time! Some days we will be doing photoshoots, other days we might have strategy meetings or some days I might jump in and help dispatch if we’ve had a particularly busy period sales wise. Although we’ve grown the team pretty quickly, we’re still a really small family so sometimes it’s about making sure all staff are supported as much as possible.
We’d love to learn more about your journey with Biologi, how did it begin & what have you learnt along the way?
I originally moved over to Australia in 2013 when I was working in a salon in New Zealand and had gone as far as I could go career wise. Back then laser wasn’t readily available, and IPL was the more common medi spa treatment. Once I had mastered IPL, I wanted to further educate myself and grow more experience. I had a strong interest in laser and a drive to be really successful with that, so I looked into different laser clinics in Australia. Thankfully Australian Skin Clinics bought me over from New Zealand and I was able to start with them immediately. I then met Ross (Biologi’s founder and now my husband) when I was working at Laser Clinics Australia, and he was checking out the ingredients on the label of one of the products. He came in a couple of times after that and I got to find out that he is a cosmetic chemist who can be credited for developing over 300 products! Whilst back then we had differing views about skincare, we connected quite quickly over a shared passion for educating people on making the right choices for their skin. The rest, as they say, is history! We make a great team and I’m so grateful Ross put trust in me to take the reins when it came to developing products for Biologi.
There are so many things that I have learnt along the way (probably too many to even count)! Through Biologi’s research we’re constantly learning new things about the skin, along with how plant extracts can interact with the skin. Our research has found that plant cells, similar to human cells produce a liquid matrix that protects the Phyto-active nutrients from breaking down. Our breakthrough extraction method allows 100% water soluble active Phyto-nutrients, and the liquid matrix to be extracted from the plant, this process is known as the Closed Liquid Extraction System (CLECS™). By bottling the liquid matrix (Phyto Nutrient Protection-PNP™) the goodness of the plant operates inside the bottle, as if it was still inside the plant. No one else in the world has this technology and we are incredibly proud of that.
What are your key principles to balancing business and your own rituals?
It’s certainly a juggle! However, I do think it’s something we need to to prioritise each and every day. Having a balanced work/life balance is incredibly important but I do need to remind myself of that sometimes. It can be tricky running a business with your partner because it’s really hard not to take work home with you, so occasionally I do need to make a concerted effort to take some time out for myself. I’ve gotten into a good routine now of finding that time in the mornings before I get to work which allows me to avoid any distractions. I find once the work day has commenced it can be harder to take time out so instead I use my time in the morning for my own rituals.
Tell us about your home, your styling aesthetic and what makes it such a special space?
We’ve been renovating so our home isn’t finished yet however we are working towards the end result being a combo of Scandinavian style and contemporary. My husband and I really cherish limited edition or one-off pieces so we’ve been building a unique collection of these. For example, we have a really cool Chanel surfboard and some limited edition artworks at home. I love these pieces but I also love the fact that our home is still comfortable – it’s the perfect haven to come home to after a busy day.
Where can we find your MARLOE MARLOE pieces in your home and how do you incorporate them into your daily rituals?
I have the MARLOE MARLOE Stevie Vase which currently takes pride of place in my office. I adore fresh flowers so depending on the day of the week it is usually adorned with a mix of beautiful coloured flowers or sometimes just a classic bunch of white peonies. I also have the MARLOE MARLOE Capri glaze Vanity Box which is often on my desk as I use it to hold my jewellery or other treasured pieces while I work.
And finally, what’s next for you and Biologi?
We have so many exciting things coming up for Biologi! We’ve just launched our latest product that we’re all really excited about and some top-secret ambassadors coming on board next year! I unfortunately can’t reveal too much right now except to say that it will be a space to watch! For me personally, I’m really hoping to be able to travel again soon, or at the very least visit my family back home. I’m so grateful that I have the luxury to travel however these past few months without seeing some of my family have gone for too long (I know I’m not the only one that feels that way). So, travel is definitely high on my priority list as well as continuing to build the Biologi brand!
Lucy styles our STEVIE & VANITY BOX in our Capri Glaze.